Often I am looking for articles, statistics, videos, etc. that support music education and the wonderful benefits that it has on our lives. While searching, I often think “Wouldn’t it be nice if everything was on one convenient page?!” Low and behold THE MUSIC EDUCATION ADVOCACY MEGA PAGE (…still working on the title). Please enjoy and use whatever you would like in order to spread the good word about music education. (If you have any suggestions of things to post or a title for this page, please contact us at: info@soundsacademy.org) Did you know that:
- 134,203 students attend school without access to music or visual arts instruction provided by highly qualified arts teachers.
- 50% of schools have no budget for curricular support in arts education.
- 79% of schools spend less than $1 per student in a year, or less than 1/2 a penny a day (for curricular support in arts educations).
You can read more highlights from the Arizona Arts Education Census Project by clicking HERE Did you know that:
- Schools with music programs have an estimated 90.2% graduation rate and 93.9% attendance rate compared to schools without music education programs who average 72.9% graduation and 84.9% attendance.
- Regardless of socioeconomic status or school district, students who participate in high-quality music programs score 22% better on English and 20% better on Math standardized exams.
- Children who study a musical instrument are more likely to excel in all of their studies, work better in teams, have enhanced critical thinking skills, stay in school, and pursue further education.
You can read more facts about music education by clicking HERE Did you know that:
- Music lessons change the course of brain development and there is evidence that musical training can have a small, beneficial effect on non-musical intellectual performance.
- Research indicates that musicians perform significantly better on tests of Spatial-Temporal Skills, Math Ability Readking Skills, Vocabulary, Verbal Memory, and Phonemic Awareness.
- Students of music are required to Decode a Complex Symbolic System (musical notation), Translate the code into precise motor patterns, Understand ratios and fractions (e.g., a quarter note is half as long as a half note), and focus attention for long periods of time (amongst other things)
You can read more scientific findings about the benefits of music education by clicking HERE Did you know that:
- According to the National Endowment for the Arts, between 1982 and 2008, the percentage of African American and Hispanic young adults who received arts education in childhood dropped from 51% to 26% and 47% to 28%, respectively. In contrast, the percentage of White young adults who received childhood arts education during that same period only dropped from 59% to 58%.
You can red more from this report by clicking HERE.